Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week 3 Video

I want to start off by saying that I usually have a hard time watching videos and remaining attentive throughout the entirety of something like this... especially when it's almost an hour long! So I was pleasantly surprised to have enjoyed listening to what Danah Boyd had to say. She was engaging, intelligent, informed and witty and I found myself wanting to hear more of what she said.

I really appreciated what Boyd had to say about privacy and teenagers. Our society, in general, seems to be constantly reminding teens to maintain their privacy and the importance of privacy... when, overall, privacy in itself is all teens seem to want, enjoy, appreciate and facilitate! In ten and twenty years, today's teens are going to be the adults, warning their children and others to be careful with what they put out there... but really... will they? I can't even imagine what today's teens will be like as parents. Will they be more cautious with their privacy or less so? And what will be the consequences, either way? I realize teenagers are naturally more prone to wanting their privacy, but I can see today's teens growing up to be even more private than previous generations, mostly based upon the ultra-sharing tendencies of the times they grew up in. On the opposite end of the spectrum will those teens who grow to be over-sharers and don't value anyone's privacy whatsoever.. eek. What a mix!

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