Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Out of things to say...

I've been trying for days now to think of something to tweet, post, blog or make some type of social media creation about for days now... although sometimes I enjoy posting things I've found in passing on different websites or friend's pages, there at times (like these past few days) when I'm bit too overwhelmed/stressed with school, work, and life in general to even think about posting something or sharing my stress with the social media world. When I'm stressed, I tend to remain private and focus on what I'm doing--what's the point of sharing it with the world? Yes, you get a lot of "hang in there" comments, but I'd rather not waste my time with posting my stress levels anyway because, 1. it's a waste of the time I'm already stressed about not having enough of, and 2. most of the time the feedback that comes from what I post doesn't really make me feel any better! What makes me feel better is addressing the things I have to do so my stress goes away. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for feedback that people give when someone posts a sad, stressed, angry or frustrated status update or tweet, but all the more reason for me to stay away from posting anything when I'm feeling any of the aforementioned moods/emotions. I'd rather not share my moods and emotions in such a public place, mostly because... who cares? Who really wants to read about how stressed I am or how I'm feeling on a certain day? So, I suppose I don't have much of a question to pose except this: does anyone else struggle with finding things to post that aren't so immediately personal to you that it feels as though no one else would care about them? Does anyone else have a hard time posting when they're own lives become too busy?


  1. I often post things that might seem personal, because my friends and family do want to know. I also have numerous things that I don't, and would never post. Too personal for me, even though others post about them. I like to post about things I am doing workwise, and I often retweet items that I think might be of interest to the class or others. And there are times when I don't post much because of being busy. Maybe you will learn an interesting fact while working on school work and choose to share that, because we all need those little but important pieces of information. :)

  2. Before this class, I did not use any of these social media sites, so it has been a challenge to get into them and find things to write about. Because it is the work of this course, I do spend the time posting comments about the articles, investigating the social media site for the week and answering other posts. Don't really share a lot of personal stuff, but hopefully I'm contributing enough. I have wondered whether I will continue to use any of these social media venues after the class is over, and I'm not sure. Perhaps I will continue to blog if I can find a focus, something that I am passionate about. Perhaps an interactive wiki at work or a recipe site for my family. For me, I don't know that it will become an everyday occurence.
