Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How Tweet Is It?

After reading this week's article about the Library of Congress digitally archiving every single tweet published on Twitter since its inception, I wasn't surprised to read all of the ramblings of the enraged commenters. I understand where people are coming from when they say that archiving tweets is "bollocks" because the government has no right or reason to do so or that the endeavor is a "huge waste of money," but I also don't think many people realize how much of an impact social media sites like Twitter are making in today's world. As a tip of the iceberg example of how much of an impact Twitter has made, the article cites the photojournalist  who was arrested in Egypt and freed as an eventual outcome of his Twitter posts. How can tweets like those not be justifiably archived? Yes, there are many, many archived tweets that will end up being pointless, redundant and private, but in the end it would cost more time and money to sort through billions of tweets to only archive the ones that are relevant to our country's history of social media!


  1. I agree that people do not realize what an impact social media has played in society as of late. Twitter was an important tool during the protests in Egypt and other areas of the Middle East. Tweets about politics and social issues give a great sociological view of what society is like right now. It is, above all, information, and we have no idea what will be important or what role it will play in creating a picture of us someday when future historians study us.

  2. It makes you wonder what the future may think if all they had were tweets to understand us by. Weird! I was also thinking that archiving tweets was a bit much, however, like you said, its better to archive them all to ensure the valuable ones are available when necessary :)
